Advanced: Self-hosted Remotes

Register Self-hosted Remotes

You can push/pull from your own S3 and (s)ftp resources. The repo API stores all the neccessary details so the data consumer does not have to make any changes if you make any changes to the remote storage.

settings = \
    'name': 'pipe-name',
    'protocol': 's3',
    'location': 'bucket-name',
    'options': {
        'remotepath': 's3://bucket-name/'}
    'credentials' : {
        'aws_access_key_id': 'AAA',
        'aws_secret_access_key': 'BBB'

d6tpipe.upsert_pipe(api, settings)

Most resources in d6tpipe are managed in an REST API type interface so you will be using the API client to define resources like remotes, pipes, permission etc. That way you can easily switch between local and server deployment without having to change your code.


  • name (str): unique id
  • protocol (str): [s3, ftp, sftp]
  • location (str): s3 bucket, ftp server name/ip
  • credentials (json): credentials for pulling. s3: aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key. ftp: username, password
  • options (json): any options to be shared across pipes
    • remotepath (str): path where data is located. If you connect to a Databolt Pipe server that is managed on your behalf
    • dir (str): read/write from/to this subdir (auto created)
  • schema (json): any parameters you want to pass to the reader


# s3
settings = \
    'name': 'pipe-name',
    'protocol': 's3',
    'location': 'bucket-name',
    'options': {
        'remotepath': 's3://bucket-name/'}
    'credentials' : {
        'aws_access_key_id': 'AAA',
        'aws_secret_access_key': 'BBB'

d6tpipe.upsert_pipe(api, settings)

# ftp
settings = \
    'options': {
        'remotepath': '/'}
    'credentials':{'username':'name', 'password':'secure'}

d6tpipe.upsert_pipe(api, settings)

Access Control

You can have separate read and write credentials

settings = \
    'name': 'remote-name',
    'protocol': 's3',
    'location': 'bucket-name',
    'credentials': {
        'read' : {
            'aws_access_key_id': 'AAA',
            'aws_secret_access_key': 'BBB'
        'write' : {
            'aws_access_key_id': 'AAA',
            'aws_secret_access_key': 'BBB'

Keeping Credentials Safe

Don’t Commit Credentials To Source

In practice you wouldn’t want to have the credentials in the source code like in the example above. It’s better to load the settings from a json, yaml or ini file to a python dictionary that you can pass to the REST API. Alternatively for server-based setups you can work with REST tools like Postman.

Here is a recipe for loading settings from json and yaml files.

# create file

# edit file in `api.repo` folder. NB: you don't have to use double quotes in the json but you have to use spaces for tabs

# load settings and create
settings = d6tpipe.utils.loadjson(api.repopath/'.creds.json')['pipe-name']
d6tpipe.upsert_pipe(api, settings)

# or if you prefer yaml
settings_remote = d6tpipe.utils.loadyaml(api.repopath/'.creds.json')['pipe-name']
d6tpipe.upsert_pipe(api, settings)

See example templates in

Premium Features

See Premium Features to gain access to premium features.

Encrypting Credentials

By default, credentials are stored in clear text.

To keep your credentials safe, especially on the cloud API, you can encrypt them which is very easy easy to do with api.encode().

d6tpipe.upsert_pipe(api, api.encode(settings))

This uses an encryption key which is auto generated for you, you can update that key if you like, see config section. If you change the encryption key, you will have to recreate all encrypted pipes.

Any form of security has downsides, here is how encrypting credentials impacts functionality:

  • If you lose the encryption key, you will have to recreate all encrypted pipes
  • All operations have to take place locally, that is you can’t schedule any sync or mirroring tasks on the sever because it won’t be able to access the source
  • You won’t be able to share any credentials with other users unless they have your encryption key.

Managing Your Encryption Key

A key is used to encrypt the data. A random key is generated automatically but you can change it, eg if you want to share it across your team.

# get key

# set key

Creating d6tpipe Compatible S3 buckets

d6tpipe comes batteries included with convenience functions to set up s3 buckets with appropriate users and permissions. It creates a read and write user with API credentials that can be directly passed into the REST API.

session = boto3.session.Session(
settings = d6tpipe.utils.s3.create_bucket_with_users(session, 'remote-name')
d6tpipe.upsert_pipe(api, settings)

See module refernce for details including how to customize. In case you have trust issues, you can inspect the source code to see what it does.

The AWS session need to refer to a user with the following permissions. If you customize d6tpipe.utils.s3 parameters you might have to amend this. The lazy way of doing is this to create the AWS session with your AWS root keys.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "iam",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "d6tpipe-*"
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "s3-detail",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::d6tpipe-*/*"
            "Sid": "s3-bucket",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::d6tpipe-*"

Removing d6tpipe S3 buckets

# to remove bucket and user
d6tpipe.utils.s3.delete_bucket(session, 'd6tpipe-[remote-name]')
d6tpipe.utils.s3.delete_user(session, 'd6tpipe-[remote-name]-read')
d6tpipe.utils.s3.delete_user(session, 'd6tpipe-[remote-name]-write')