Source code for d6tpipe.pipe

import os, shutil, datetime, time, fnmatch, re, copy, itertools
from pathlib import Path, PurePosixPath
import warnings, logging
# logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)

from datetime import datetime
from tinydb import TinyDB, Query
from tinydb_serialization import SerializationMiddleware
import cachetools
from tqdm import tqdm

from d6tpipe.api import ConfigManager
from d6tpipe.tinydb_serializers import DateTimeSerializer
from d6tpipe.utils import filemd5, copytree
from d6tpipe.exceptions import *
import d6tcollect

# helpers

_cfg_mode_valid = ['default', 'new', 'mod', 'all']
_tdbserialization = SerializationMiddleware()
_tdbserialization.register_serializer(DateTimeSerializer(), 'TinyDate')

def _tinydb_last(db, getkey=None, sortkey='updated_at'):
    if db is None or len(db) == 0: return []
    r = sorted(db.all(), key=lambda k: k[sortkey])[-1]
    return r if getkey is None else r.get(getkey)

def _tinydb_insert(db, filessync, filesremote, fileslocal):
    if db is not None:
        db.insert({'updated_at':, 'action': 'push', 'sync':filessync, 'remote':filesremote, 'local': fileslocal})

def _files_new(filesfrom, filesto):
    filesfrom = [f['filename'] for f in filesfrom]
    filesto = [f['filename'] for f in filesto]
    return list(set(filesfrom)-set(filesto))

def _filenames(list_):
    return [d['filename'] for d in list_]

def _files_mod(filesfrom, filesto, key='crc'):
    def _tinydb_to_filedate_dict(query):
        return {k: v for (k, v) in [(d['filename'], d[key]) for d in query]}

    filesto = _tinydb_to_filedate_dict(filesto)
    filesfrom = _tinydb_to_filedate_dict(filesfrom)
    if filesto and filesfrom:
        return [k for k, v in filesfrom.items() if v != filesto.get(k,v)]
        return []

def _files_sort(files, sortby='filename'):
    return sorted(files, key=lambda k: k[sortby])

def _files_diff(filesfrom, filesto, mode, include, exclude, nrecent=0):
    if nrecent !=0:
        filesfrom_bydate = _files_sort(filesfrom, 'modified_at')
        filesfrom = filesfrom_bydate[-nrecent:] if nrecent>0 else filesfrom_bydate[:nrecent]
    if filesto:
        if mode == 'new':
            filesdiff = _files_new(filesfrom, filesto)
        elif mode == 'modified':
            filesdiff = _files_mod(filesfrom, filesto)
        elif mode == 'default':
            filesdiff = _files_new(filesfrom, filesto) + _files_mod(filesfrom, filesto)
        elif mode == 'all':
            filesdiff = _filenames(filesfrom)
            raise ValueError('Invalid pipe mode')
        filesdiff = _filenames(filesfrom)

    filesdiff = _apply_fname_filter(filesdiff, include, exclude)

    return filesdiff

def _apply_fname_filter(fnames, include, exclude):
    # todo: multi filter with *.csv|*.xls*|*.txt, split on |
    def helper(list_,filter_):
        return list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(fnmatch.filter(list_, ifilter) for ifilter in filter_.split('|')))
    if include:
        fnames = helper(fnames, include)

    if exclude:
        fnamesex = helper(fnames, exclude)
        fnames = list(set(fnames) - set(fnamesex))

    return fnames

# Pipe

[docs]class PipeBase(object, metaclass=d6tcollect.Collect): """ Abstract class, use the functions but dont instantiate the class """ def __init__(self, name, sortby='filename'): if not re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+$', name): raise ValueError('Invalid pipe name, needs to be alphanumeric [a-zA-Z0-9-]') = name self.sortby = sortby def _set_dir(self, dir): self.filerepo = self.cfg_profile['filerepo'] self.dirpath = Path(self.filerepo)/dir self.dirpath.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # create dir if doesn't exist self.dir = str(self.dirpath) + os.sep def _getfilter(self, include=None, exclude=None): return include, exclude def _files_sort(self, files, sortby=None): sortby = self.sortby if sortby is None else sortby sortby = 'filename' if sortby=='name' else sortby sortby = 'modified_at' if sortby=='mod' else sortby return _files_sort(files, sortby)
[docs] def scan_local(self, include=None, exclude=None, attributes=False, sortby=None, files=None, fromdb=False, on_not_exist='warn'): """ Get file attributes from local. To run before doing a pull/push Args: include (str): pattern of files to include, eg `*.csv` or `a-*.csv|b-*.csv` exclude (str): pattern of files to exclude attributes (bool): return filenames with attributes sortby (str): sort files this key. `name`, `mod`, `size` files (list): override list of filenames fromdb (bool): use files from local db, if false scans all files in pipe folder on_not_exist (bool): how to handle missing files when creating file attributes Returns: list: filenames with attributes """ if files is None: if fromdb: files = _tinydb_last(self.dbfiles,'local') files = _filenames(files) else: files = [str(PurePosixPath(p.relative_to(self.dir))) for p in self.dirpath.glob('**/*') if not p.is_dir()] include, exclude = self._getfilter(include, exclude) files = _apply_fname_filter(files, include, exclude) def getattrib(fname): p = Path(self.dirpath)/fname if not p.exists(): if on_not_exist=='warn': warnings.warn('Local file {} does not exist'.format(fname)) return None dtmod = datetime.fromtimestamp(p.stat().st_mtime) crc = filemd5(p) return {'filename':fname, 'modified_at': dtmod, 'size': p.stat().st_size, 'crc': crc} filesall = [getattrib(fname) for fname in files] filesall = [o for o in filesall if o is not None] filesall = self._files_sort(filesall, sortby) if attributes: return filesall, files else: return _filenames(filesall)
[docs] def files(self, include=None, exclude=None, sortby=None, check_exists=True, fromdb=True): """ Files synced in local repo Args: include (str): pattern of files to include, eg `*.csv` or `a-*.csv|b-*.csv` exclude (str): pattern of files to exclude sortby (str): sort files this key. `name`, `mod`, `size` check_exists (bool): check files exist locally Returns: list: filenames """ return self.filepaths(aspath=False, include=include, exclude=exclude, sortby=sortby, check_exists=check_exists, fromdb=fromdb)
[docs] def filepaths(self, include=None, exclude=None, sortby=None, check_exists=True, aspathlib=True, aspath=True, fromdb=True): """ Full path to Files synced in local repo Args: include (str): pattern of files to include, eg `*.csv` or `a-*.csv|b-*.csv` exclude (str): pattern of files to exclude sortby (str): sort files this key. `name`, `mod`, `size` check_exists (bool): check files exist locally aspathlib (bool): return as pathlib object Returns: path: path to file, either `Pathlib` or `str` """ files = _tinydb_last(self.dbfiles,'local') if fromdb else self.scan_local(attributes=True)[0] files = self._files_sort(files, sortby) fnames = _apply_fname_filter(_filenames(files), include, exclude) if check_exists: [FileNotFoundError(fname) for fname in fnames if not (self.dirpath/fname).exists()] if aspath: if not aspathlib: return [str(self.dirpath/f) for f in fnames] else: return [self.dirpath / f for f in fnames] else: return fnames
[docs] def import_files(self, files, subdir=None, move=False): """ Import files to repo Args: files (list): list of files, eg from `glob.iglob('folder/**/*.csv')` subdir (str): sub directory to import into move (bool): move or copy """ dstdir = self.dirpath/subdir if subdir else self.dirpath dstdir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if move: [shutil.move(ifile,dstdir/Path(ifile).name) for ifile in files] else: [shutil.copy(ifile,dstdir/Path(ifile).name) for ifile in files]
[docs] def import_file(self, file, subdir=None, move=False): """ Import a single file to repo Args: files (str): path to file subdir (str): sub directory to import into move (bool): move or copy """ self.import_files([file], subdir, move)
[docs] def import_dir(self, dir, move=False): """ Import a directory including subdirs Args: dir (str): directory move (bool): move or copy """ copytree(dir,self.dir, move)
[docs] def delete_files(self, files=None, confirm=True, all_local=None): """ Delete files, local and remote Args: files (list): filenames, if empty delete all confirm (bool): ask user to confirm delete all_local (bool): delete all files or just synced files? (local only) """ self.delete_files_remote(files=files, confirm=confirm) self.delete_files_local(files=files, confirm=confirm, delete_all=all_local)
[docs] def delete_files_remote(self, files=None, confirm=True): """ Delete all remote files Args: files (list): filenames, if empty delete all confirm (bool): ask user to confirm delete """ if not files: files='all' if confirm: c = input('Confirm deleting {} files in {} (y/n)'.format(files, self.remote_prefix)) if c=='n': return None else: c = 'y' if c=='y': if files=='all': files = self.scan_remote(cached=False) self._pullpush_luigi(files, op='remove')
[docs] def delete_files_local(self, files=None, confirm=True, delete_all=None, ignore_errors=False): """ Delete all local files and reset file database Args: files (list): filenames, if empty delete all confirm (bool): ask user to confirm delete delete_all (bool): delete all files or just synced files? ignore_errors (bool): ignore missing file errors """ if not files: files='all' if confirm: c = input('Confirm deleting {} files in {} (y/n)'.format(files, self.dir)) if c=='n': return None else: c = 'y' if files=='all' and delete_all is None: d = input('Delete all files or just downloaded files (a/d)') delete_all = True if d=='a' else False if c=='y': if delete_all: shutil.rmtree(self.dir, ignore_errors=ignore_errors) else: [f.unlink() for f in self.filepaths()] self.dbfiles.purge()
[docs]class PipeLocal(PipeBase, metaclass=d6tcollect.Collect): """ Managed data pipe, LOCAL mode for accessing local files ONLY Args: api (obj): API manager object name (str): name of the data pipe profile (str): name of profile to use filecfg (str): path to where config file is stored sortby (str): sort files this key. `name`, `mod`, `size` """ def __init__(self, name, config=None, profile=None, filecfg='~/d6tpipe/cfg.json', sortby='filename'): super().__init__(name, sortby) self.profile = 'default' if profile is None else profile if config is None: self.configmgr = ConfigManager(filecfg=filecfg, profile=self.profile) self.config = self.configmgr.load() else: self.config = config warnings.warn("Using manual config override, some api functions might not work") self.cfg_profile = self.config self._set_dir( # create db connection self._db = TinyDB(self.cfg_profile['filedb'], storage=_tdbserialization) self.dbfiles = self._db.table(name+'-files') self.dbconfig = self._db.table(name+'-cfg') self.settings = self.dbconfig.all()[-1]['pipe'] if self.dbconfig.all() else {} self.schema = self.settings.get('schema',{}) print('Operating in local mode, use this to access local files, to run remote operations use `Pipe()`')
[docs]class Pipe(PipeBase, metaclass=d6tcollect.Collect): """ Managed data pipe Args: api (obj): API manager object name (str): name of the data pipe. Has to be created first mode (str): sync mode sortby (str): sort files this key. `name`, `mod`, `size` credentials (dict): override credentials Note: * mode: controls which files are synced * 'default': modified and new files * 'new': new files only * 'mod': modified files only * 'all': all files """ def __init__(self, api, name, mode='default', sortby='filename', credentials=None): # set params super().__init__(name, sortby) self.api = api self.api_islocal = api.__class__.__name__== 'APILocal' if not mode in _cfg_mode_valid: raise ValueError('Invalid mode, needs to be {}'.format(_cfg_mode_valid)) self.mode = mode # get remote details self.cnxnapi = api.cnxn self.cnxnpipe = self.cnxnapi.pipes._(name) self.settings = self.cnxnpipe.get()[1] if not self.settings: raise ValueError('pipe not found, make sure it was created') if self.settings['protocol'] not in ['s3','ftp', 'sftp']: raise NotImplementedError('Unsupported protocol, only s3 and (s)ftp supported') self.settings['options'] = self.settings.get('options',{}) self.remote_prefix = self.settings['options']['remotepath'] self.encrypted_pipe = self.settings['options'].get('encrypted',False) if self.encrypted_pipe: self.settings = self.api.decode(self.settings) self.role = self.settings.get('role') self.cfg_profile = api.cfg_profile self._set_dir( self.credentials_override = credentials # DDL self.schema = self.settings.get('schema',{}) # create db connection self._db = TinyDB(self.cfg_profile['filedb'], storage=_tdbserialization) self.dbfiles = self._db.table(name+'-files') self.dbconfig = self._db.table(name+'-cfg') self._cache_scan = cachetools.TTLCache(maxsize=1, ttl=5*60) # connect msg msg = 'Successfully connected to pipe {}. '.format( if self.role=='read': msg += ' Read only access' print(msg) self.dbconfig.upsert({'name':, 'pipe': self.settings}, Query().name == def _getfilter(self, include, exclude): if include is None: include = self.settings['options'].get('include') if exclude is None: exclude = self.settings['options'].get('exclude') return include, exclude
[docs] def setmode(self, mode): """ Set sync mode Args: mode (str): sync mode Note: * mode: controls which files are synced * 'default': modified and new files * 'new': new files only * 'mod': modified files only * 'all': all files """ assert mode in _cfg_mode_valid self.mode = mode
[docs] def update_settings(self, settings): """ Update settings. Only keys present in the new dict will be updated, other parts of the config will be kept as is. In other words you can pass in a partial dict to update just the parts you need to be updated. Args: config (dict): updated config """ self.settings.update(settings) response, data = self.cnxnpipe.patch(self.settings) return response, data
[docs] def scan_remote(self, attributes=False, cached=True): """ Get file attributes from remote. To run before doing a pull/push Args: cached (bool): use cached results Returns: list: filenames with attributes in remote """ c = self._cache_scan.get(0) if cached and c is not None: response, data = c else: filesall, filenames = self._list_luigi() response, data = (),filesall # REST API style, for future to return from API self._cache_scan[0] = (response, data) if attributes: return response, data else: return _filenames(data)
[docs] def is_synced(self, israise=False): """ Check if local is in sync with remote Args: israise (bool): raise an exception Returns: bool: pipe is updated """ filespull = self.pull(dryrun=True) if filespull: if israise: raise PushError(['Remote has changes not pulled to local repo, run pull first', filespull]) else: return False return True
[docs] def pull_preview(self, files=None, include=None, exclude=None, nrecent=0, cached=True): """ Preview of files to be pulled Args: files (list): override list of filenames include (str): pattern of files to include, eg `*.csv` or `a-*.csv|b-*.csv` exclude (str): pattern of files to exclude nrecent (int): use n newest files by mod date. 0 uses all files. Negative number uses n old files cached (bool): if True, use cached remote information, default 5mins. If False forces remote scan Returns: list: filenames with attributes """ return self.pull(files=files, dryrun=True, include=include, exclude=exclude, nrecent=nrecent, cached=cached)
[docs] def pull(self, files=None, dryrun=False, include=None, exclude=None, nrecent=0, merge_mode=None, cached=True): """ Pull remote files to local Args: files (list): override list of filenames dryrun (bool): preview only include (str): pattern of files to include, eg `*.csv` or `a-*.csv|b-*.csv` exclude (str): pattern of files to exclude nrecent (int): use n newest files by mod date. 0 uses all files. Negative number uses n old files merge_mode (str): how to deal with pull conflicts ie files that changed both locally and remotely? 'keep' local files or 'overwrite' local files cached (bool): if True, use cached remote information, default 5mins. If False forces remote scan Returns: list: filenames with attributes """ if not cached: self._cache_scan.clear() filesremote = self.scan_remote(attributes=True)[1] if files is not None: filespull = files else: logging.debug(['remote files', filesremote]) fileslocal = _files_sort(_tinydb_last(self.dbfiles,'remote'), self.sortby) filespull = _files_diff(filesremote, fileslocal, self.mode, include, exclude, nrecent) filespull_size = sum(f['size'] for f in filesremote if f['filename'] in filespull) print('pulling: {:.2f}MB'.format(filespull_size / 2 ** 20)) if dryrun: return filespull # check if any local files have changed fileslocal = _tinydb_last(self.dbfiles,'local') fileslocalmod, _ = self.scan_local(files=[s for s in filespull if s in fileslocal], attributes=True) filesmod = _files_mod(fileslocal, fileslocalmod) if filesmod: if merge_mode is None: raise PullError('Modified files will be overwritten by pull, specify merge mode '+str(filesmod)) elif merge_mode == 'keep': filespull = list(set(filespull)-set(filesmod)) elif merge_mode == 'overwrite': pass else: raise ValueError('invalid merge mode') filessync = self._pullpush_luigi(filespull, 'get') # scan local files after pull fileslocal, _ = self.scan_local(files=filessync, attributes=True) # update db _tinydb_insert(self.dbfiles, filessync, filesremote, fileslocal) self.dbconfig.upsert({'name':, 'remote': self.settings, 'pipe': self.settings}, Query().name == # print if '' in filessync: print('############### README ###############') with open(self.dirpath/'', 'r') as fhandle: print( print('############### README ###############') if '' in filessync: print('############### LICENSE ###############') with open(self.dirpath/'', 'r') as fhandle: print( print('############### LICENSE ###############') return filessync
[docs] def push_preview(self, files=None, include=None, exclude=None, nrecent=0, cached=True): """ Preview of files to be pushed Args: files (list): override list of filenames include (str): pattern of files to include, eg `*.csv` or `a-*.csv|b-*.csv` exclude (str): pattern of files to exclude nrecent (int): use n newest files by mod date. 0 uses all files. Negative number uses n old files cached (bool): if True, use cached remote information, default 5mins. If False forces remote scan Returns: list: filenames with attributes """ return self.push(files=files, dryrun=True, include=include, exclude=exclude, nrecent=nrecent, cached=cached)
[docs] def push(self, files=None, dryrun=False, fromdb=False, include=None, exclude=None, nrecent=0, cached=True): """ Push local files to remote Args: files (list): override list of filenames dryrun (bool): preview only fromdb (bool): use files from local db, if false scans all files in pipe folder include (str): pattern of files to include, eg `*.csv` or `a-*.csv|b-*.csv` exclude (str): pattern of files to exclude nrecent (int): use n newest files by mod date. 0 uses all files. Negative number uses n old files cached (bool): if True, use cached remote information, default 5mins. If False forces remote scan Returns: list: filenames with attributes """ self._has_write() if not cached: self._cache_scan.clear() if files is not None: filespush = files fileslocal, _ = self.scan_local(fromdb=True, attributes=True) else: filesremote = _tinydb_last(self.dbfiles, 'local') fileslocal, _ = self.scan_local(fromdb=fromdb, attributes=True) if self.mode !='all': self.is_synced(israise=True) filespush = _files_diff(fileslocal, filesremote, self.mode, include, exclude, nrecent) filespush_size = sum(f['size'] for f in fileslocal if f['filename'] in filespush) if dryrun: print('pushing: {:.2f}MB'.format(filespush_size/2**20)) return filespush filessync = self._pullpush_luigi(filespush, 'put') # get files on remote after push filesremote = self.scan_remote(cached=False, attributes=True)[1] _tinydb_insert(self.dbfiles, filessync, filesremote, fileslocal) return filessync
[docs] def reset(self, delete=False): """ Resets by deleting all files and pulling """ if delete: self.delete_files_local() self.setmode('all') self.pull(cached=False) self.setmode('default')
[docs] def remove_orphans(self, files=None, direction='local', dryrun=None): """ Remove file orphans locally and/or remotely. When you remove files, they don't get synced because pull/push only looks at new or modified files. Use this to clean up any removed files. Args: direction (str): where to remove files dryrun (bool): preview only Note: * direction: * 'local': remove files locally, ie files that exist on local but not in remote * 'remote': remove files remotely, ie files that exist on remote but not in local * 'both': combine local and remote """ assert direction in ['both','local','remote'] if dryrun is None: warnings.warn('dryrun active by default, to execute explicitly pass dryrun=False') dryrun = True if files is None: fileslocal = self.scan_local(attributes=True)[0] filesremote = self.scan_remote(attributes=True)[1] filesrmlocal = [] filesrmremote = [] if direction in ['local','both']: filesrmlocal = _files_new(fileslocal, filesremote) if direction in ['remote','both']: self._has_write() filesrmremote = _files_new(filesremote, fileslocal) else: filesrmlocal = files; filesrmremote = files; if dryrun: return {'local': filesrmlocal, 'remote': filesrmremote} for fname in filesrmlocal: try: (self.dirpath/fname).unlink() except: warnings.warn('Unable to delete file {}'.format(fname)) filesrmremote = self._pullpush_luigi(filesrmremote, 'remove') return {'local': filesrmlocal, 'remote': filesrmremote}
def _list_luigi(self): def scan_s3(): cnxn = self._connect() idxStart = len(self.remote_prefix) filesall = list(cnxn.listdir(self.remote_prefix,return_key=True)) def s3path(o): return 's3://'+o.bucket_name+'/'+o.key filesall = [{'filename':s3path(o)[idxStart:], 'modified_at': str(o.last_modified), 'size':o.size, 'crc': o.e_tag.strip('\"')} for o in filesall if o.key[-1]!='/'] return filesall def scan_ftp(): try: from ftpsync.ftp_target import FtpTarget except: raise ModuleNotFoundError('pyftpsync not found. Run `pip install pyftpsync`') ftp_dir = self.remote_prefix idxStart = len(ftp_dir) cnxn = self._connect() try: if ftp_dir!='/': cnxn.exists(ftp_dir) except Exception as e: if 'No such file or directory' in str(e): cnxn._ftp_mkdirs(ftp_dir) return [] # created dir so will be empty credentials = self._get_credentials() remote = FtpTarget(ftp_dir, self.settings['location'], username=credentials['username'], password=credentials['password']) try: filesftp = list(remote.walk()) filesall = [{'filename':str(PurePosixPath(o.rel_path)/[idxStart:], 'modified_at': datetime.fromtimestamp(o.mtime), 'size':o.size, 'crc': "{}-{}".format(str(o.mtime),str(o.size)) } for o in filesftp if not o.is_dir()] finally: remote.close() return filesall def scan_sftp(): cnxn = self._connect() if cnxn.exists(self.remote_prefix): filesall = cnxn.listdir_attr(self.remote_prefix) filesall = [{'filename':o.relpath, 'modified_at': datetime.fromtimestamp(o.st_mtime), 'size':o.st_size, 'crc': "{}-{}".format(str(o.st_mtime),str(o.st_size)) } for o in filesall] else: filesall = [] # cnxn.close_del() return filesall if self.settings['protocol'] == 's3': filesall = scan_s3() elif self.settings['protocol'] == 'ftp': filesall = scan_ftp() elif self.settings['protocol'] == 'sftp': filesall = scan_sftp() else: raise NotImplementedError('only s3, ftp, sftp supported') include, exclude = self._getfilter(None,None) filenames = _filenames(filesall) filenames = _apply_fname_filter(filenames, include, exclude) filesall = [d for d in filesall if d['filename'] in filenames] filesall = sorted(filesall, key = lambda x: x['filename']) filenames = sorted(filenames) return filesall, filenames def _pullpush_luigi(self, files, op, cnxn=None): if cnxn is None: cnxn = self._connect(op in ['put','remove']) filessync = [] pbar = "" for fname in tqdm(files): pbar = pbar + fname fnameremote = self.remote_prefix+fname fnamelocalpath = self.dirpath/fname fnamelocal = str(PurePosixPath(fnamelocalpath)) if op=='put': cnxn.put(fnamelocal, fnameremote) elif op=='get': fnamelocalpath.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) cnxn.get(fnameremote, fnamelocal) elif op=='remove': try: cnxn.remove(fnameremote) except: warnings.warn('Unable to delete remote file {}'.format(fnameremote)) elif op=='exists': fname = cnxn.exists(fnameremote) else: raise ValueError('invalid luigi operation')'synced files {}'.format(fname)) filessync.append(fname) self._disconnect(cnxn) return filessync def _has_write(self): if self.role=='read': raise ValueError('Read-only role, cannot write') def _get_credentials(self, write=False): action = 'write' if write else 'read' # check role if write: self._has_write() # get credentials from api if self.api_islocal: credentials = self.cnxnpipe.get()[1]['credentials'] if 'read' in credentials: credentials = credentials[action] if 'key' in credentials: credentials['aws_access_key_id'] = credentials.pop('key') if 'secret' in credentials: credentials['aws_secret_access_key'] = credentials.pop('secret') else: credentials = self.cnxnpipe.credentials.get(query_params={'role':action})[1] if not credentials: raise ValueError('No {} credentials provided, make sure pipe has credentials. '.format('write' if write else 'read')) return credentials def _reset_credentials(self): self.cnxnpipe.credentials.get(query_params={'role':'read','renew':True}) def _connect(self, write=False): credentials = self._get_credentials(write) if self.settings['protocol'] == 's3': from luigi.contrib.s3 import S3Client from d6tpipe.luigi.s3 import S3Client as S3ClientToken if write: if 'aws_session_token' in credentials: cnxn = S3ClientToken(**credentials) else: cnxn = S3Client(**credentials) else: if 'aws_session_token' in credentials: cnxn = S3ClientToken(**credentials) else: cnxn = S3Client(**credentials) elif self.settings['protocol'] == 'ftp': from d6tpipe.luigi.ftp import RemoteFileSystem cnxn = RemoteFileSystem(self.settings['location'], credentials['username'], credentials['password']) elif self.settings['protocol'] == 'sftp': from d6tpipe.luigi.ftp import RemoteFileSystem try: import pysftp except ImportError: raise ModuleNotFoundError('Please install pysftp to use SFTP.') cnopts = pysftp.CnOpts() cnopts.hostkeys = None cnxn = RemoteFileSystem(self.settings['location'], credentials['username'], credentials['password'], sftp=True, pysftp_conn_kwargs={'cnopts':cnopts}) else: raise NotImplementedError('only s3 and ftp supported') return cnxn def _disconnect(self, cnxn): if self.settings['protocol'] == 'ftp': cnxn.close_del()